The University of California, Berkeley has partnered with The Mastercard Foundation. This partnership is part of a global network of educational institutions and non-profit organizations. Together, they share the belief that education is a powerful catalyst for social and economic progress..
Scholarship Summary
Host Country: United States of America (USA)
Category: Postgraduate Scholarships | Masters Scholarships
Eligible Country: All Sub-Saharan African Countries
Reward: Full Scholarship | Accommodation | Monthly Stipends | Airfare Tickets
No IELTS Required
Deadline: Varies by Program
Requirements For the 2025 Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at UC Berkely
To be considered for the MasterCard Scholarship at the University of California, Berkeley in 2025, you must fulfill the following requirements:
- Citizenship: Be a citizen of a Sub-Saharan African country, including refugees or displaced individuals within the African continent. This scholarship is not available to citizens of North African countries. It also excludes individuals with dual citizenship, as well as those holding asylum, refugee, or permanent resident status in the US, Canada, UK, or EU.
- Academic Talent: Applicants must gain admission to a UC Berkeley master’s degree program before being considered.Demonstrated academic excellence is a key requirement for admission to the university.
- Leadership Potential: The program seeks individuals committed to developing skills and mindsets associated with transformative leadership, including the ability to engage others ethically to create positive, lasting change.
- Socio-Economic Background: The scholarship targets highly talented individuals from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds who might otherwise lack access to quality higher education.
- Commitment to Giving Back: We seek well-rounded students who actively engage in activities beyond the classroom and demonstrate a commitment to contributing to their community, country, or continent.These activities may relate to your field of study or address social, economic, or political issues that you are passionate about. Applicants should highlight their achievements both in their application to UC Berkeley and later in the Scholarship application.
- Intention to Return Home: Applicants must express a clear desire and intention to return to their home country after completing their studies. The program seeks students passionate about addressing issues affecting their communities and who will leverage their education at UC Berkeley to gain the knowledge and skills needed to tackle these challenges upon their return. Although meaningful work can be done internationally, the program aims to enable Scholars to return home and use the professional connections they make through internships, academic training, and job placements to drive positive change in their communities.
For U.S. Students:
- Education: Must meet the same educational requirements as international students.
- Age: Between 20–26 years old by July 1, 2025.
- Leadership Experience: Similar leadership involvement as required for international applicants.
How To Apply for the 2025 Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at UC Berkely
To be considered for the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, applicants seeking a master’s degree must:
- First apply to the university through the regular admissions process.
- The program will invite them to apply for the scholarship if they meet the eligibility requirements.
- Master’s degree applicants must apply to a graduate program before the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program considers them. Not all degree programs are eligible. Here is a list of eligible master’s degree programs,
- Each eligible graduate program has specific requirements that applicants should review carefully. So, if a graduate program has multiple admission rounds with staggered deadlines, the Scholars Program will consider only those who apply in the first round.
- The Graduate Division provides detailed information on the admissions process for international students. For questions regarding admission requirements, applicants should reach out directly to the specific graduate program.
- You can find more details on the Scholars Program application process for master’s programs here. We will accept applications through the fall of 2028.
- Although the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at UC Berkeley is unavailable to undergraduates, we still encourage students at this level to apply to the University of California, Berkeley.
Application Deadline: Varies by Program
Apply here
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