You already know that going to university is not an easy task given the thoughts and time that you’ve put into registering and trying to prepare well for the 2025 Jamb. Those are steps in the right direction but how exactly can you pass this exam well? 

Your journey into university can be simplified if you know how to pass 2025 Jamb successfully and that’s what you’re going to learn in this article. They’ve told you that reading is not enough, that Jamb brings new questions and even scholars don’t seem to pass this exam. The truth is that they are secret, most effective ways to study and prepare for the 2025 Jamb

Follow these steps to score high in the 2025 Jamb without going through stress:

Understand the Peculiarity of Jamb 

Jamb is not WAEC or your secondary school exam so why prepare for it the same way? 

 It’s clear, that you cannot prepare for a theory exam and a multiple-choice exam in the same way. Jamb is a multiple-choice exam.

You’ll choose one correct answer from multiple options. Unlike theory questions, which demand in-depth explanations, examples, and visual aids like graphs.

For example, you may not need to study some graph topics in mathematics because the syllabus of Jamb will not ask you to draw a graph, instead they may ask you what the curve represents and provide options. 

The syllabus of Jamb is also different from other exams. It may look similar to that of WAEC but if you go through the syllabus well, you will notice the difference in topics. Those topics should be taken seriously. 

Start preparations for Jamb early 

The best time to start preparing for this exam was months ago and the next best time is today. Early and proper preparation ends anxiety and fear. If you’re writing tasking subjects, you need time to effectively prepare for each of them. 

How to pass Jamb biology is a perfect example because the subject is bulky so you need time to read through all the topics. Also, you will have enough time to get familiar with past questions and practice your speed. 

Use past questions to study 

JAMB introduces new questions every year. However, they also frequently repeat past questions. The questions that they don’t repeat, they rephrase. This means that you need to use the past questions very well. 

Read the questions thoroughly, and be sure of why the answer is B and not C. Study the options too so that you can recognize a rephrased question. This is an easy trick if you’ve ever wondered about how to pass Jamb physics and other calculation subjects. Students may also face issues in accessing free and updated Jamb Past questions, you can get that here. 

Using past questions to study is one of the simple tricks of how to pass Jamb without reading. If most of the questions you come across are repetitions of past questions or rephrased questions from past questions, you’re good. 

Study all past questions from previous years at least once before your exam, and consider focusing on recent past questions from the last 7-8 years.

Group study 

By now, you may have realized that you and your besties are not studying the same course so you are not writing the same subjects in Jamb 2025. Everyone is preparing to go to one of the best universities in Nigeria.  You need new people to study with. It’s already easy for people who are attending tutorials. 

You are used to your way of reading alone for your school exam but how can you pass Jamb 2025 successfully if you’re going to have to study with other people? 

Well, see it this way. People read the same books for the same exams and some did well and others failed, what happened? The level of comprehension is what happened. When you study with people, you get a chance to test your own understanding while getting a new perspective on what you thought you knew. 

If you always feel left out while in a study group, you may consider studying alone but practicing past questions in groups. 

Get familiar with computer-based tests (CBT) 

This is the point where most students fail even before writing the exam. Imagine that the first time you write a CBT exam is the day you write the exam, which determines whether you will waste a whole year at home or go to a higher institution. 

You can practice CBT by using apps and websites that copy Jamb programming, using a desktop or laptop frequently, and going to a tutorial where you can get the opportunity of CBT practice. The more you practice with the computer, the more you’re relaxed on the day of your Jamb and a relaxed mind is just what you need to write the exam. 

Practice your speed 

You can not know how to pass Jamb without taking note of your speed while writing the exam. Before you start writing the exam, mentally share the time you’re given ( usually 60 minutes) among all the four subjects that you’re writing. Remember that all subjects carry 100 marks so you must put effort into answering all questions right. 

 If you want to learn how to pass Jamb physics and other calculation subjects, learn simple calculation tricks. 

Don’t neglect one subject for the other. 

How to pass Jamb biology is to read the bulky course with rapt attention with little memorization but it is not worth the risk of failing other subjects. You must have seen a Jamb score that looks like this; 

The result will be better if he/she scores 65 in all the subjects instead of passing one excellently and failing one. As earlier stated, all the subjects carry equal marks so prepare for them with almost equal vigor.

But, there is a place of strength. Some people know how to pass Jamb without reading some subjects because they are naturally good at that subject. The best thing to do is to prepare well in your strong and weak courses. In the end, your strong subjects will boost your results and you will pass your weak courses well. Besides, who said your strength subject will be simple in the 2025 Jamb? 

Personalized study plan 

This tip will work for two categories of people: the ones who already have a study plan pattern and the ones who do not. No matter the category you fall in, you need to understand that passing Jamb 2025 requires that you have a different study pattern than the ones you’ve had before. 

A personalized study plan should include the topics and subtopics that you want to read and when you want to read them. Consider all the time that you have to study and what you need to study and then draw a pattern. Let’s take this example to understand better. 

You’re a student preparing for Jamb 2025 and you attend tutorials from 9 am-2 pm every day and study better at night. The time you have to study is before you go to the tutorial or after you come back. It’s a smart choice to do past questions in the morning and read actively at night. This will help you maximize your study time without burnout. 

Set your mind before getting set for Jamb 2025

People in your church, school, and football practice have told you so many things about Jamb and it has shaped your view of the exam. Preparing for an exam with a lot of confusing and contradicting information is not a good way to ascertain how to pass Jamb. 

You need to get rid of all this information and set your mind for success

If they say almost all art students fail english – Be positive, you’re an art student and you won’t fail English.

The systems always malfunction – Be positive, your system will work perfectly well. 

Jamb will reduce marks from all students if they pass too much – Be positive, you will pass well and Jamb won’t reduce your scores. 

Jamb English is very hard, The monitor can go off. The calculator is bad. All these are negatives.

Clear your mind of all the negative things that you’ve heard. Be optimistic that everything will go right for you during your exam. And prepare like someone who knows that things will go their way. 

Not everything is in your control so don’t spend time building up anxiety or getting scared because of things that you may have heard. You should believe in yourself and prepare with the mindset that your Jamb 2025 will go well. Good luck champ! 

Get the right textbooks and study materials

To make your study easier, some textbooks are already streamlined to the topics of the Jamb syllabus. You can check Jamb’s recommended textbooks to find them. They may also contain Jamb past questions that are helpful to prepare for the exam. 

When you’re looking for resources, make sure that they are updated and relevant to Jamb. 

There are some things that are not in your power concerning how to pass the 2025 Jamb successfully but how to prepare for the Jamb is not one of them. This article has provided ten hidden tips to pass your exam and applying them means you’re set to take on the journey to pass excellently. Good luck in passing your exam, we are rooting for you. 

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